5 Ways to Jumpstart Your Morning

So mornings, in general, are hard. That’s not a question, just a fact of life. Waking out of a lovely slumber to force yourself to start a new day can be difficult. But, what’s the alternative? Not waking up? Yea, I’ll take the alarm clock for 200, please.

So the question, then, is how to make this most necessary task less task-like. The internet and self-help aisle abound with hundreds of ideas and routines to get your mind and feet in total harmony come sunrise. But who has time for all of that? We’re just trying to wake up here! No need to fret, lovelees – I’ve reviewed the masses and threw in a few of my own to bring you my favorite 5 for your breakfast-skipping pleasure (wait – you probably don’t want to skip breakfast unless your doing intermittent fasting) . Hopefully you’ll find a few new ideas to ease that transition from sheet to street.

Continue reading “5 Ways to Jumpstart Your Morning”

Been a minute…..

… yea, I know. But see, what had happened was….

LIFE! haha

Life has had me crazy busy. Good! But, crazy. I have been busy in my ministry, planning an upcoming trip to Greece (yaaasss!! y’all know I love to travel), writing like crazy to finish up a piece for an upcoming spoken word show in Philly, spending some necessary quality time with family and friends, and I’ve simplified and downsized. Sold most of my earthly belongings (read: furniture, clothes, bags, shoes, you know – the good stuff lol) and moved from my oh-so-cute apartment to a cute little bedroom in a girlfriend’s town home. So it’s three of us chicas, living it up Living Single style and I’m actually quite happy. I still have far too many boxes and bags to unpack, but I’ve put together my new bed and my dressers have arrived. I know what you’re thinking – she sold all of her furniture and then bought new stuff for her room? Well, originally my plans were different but things changed so you roll with the punches, right? So, like I said… my new dressers have arrived and now to empty these bags and boxes and set up my new spot. Aside from being tired, I’m pretty excited.


But what I was writing about was to tell you how my workouts are going! Well… pretty darn good. Not excellent – meaning I still could be better with my consistency. But, I’m down 11 lbs and my strength and stamina is on the rise. I’m adding my video from this mornings’ session below – today was a fight. But the “never miss a Monday” mantra is one I like to follow so to the gym I went…


I’ve promised to do better with my blog in the past… and failed. But… here I am, like my workouts, trying to be more consistent. I shan’t give up. (I’m surprise shan’t is a word – I wasn’t sure). But aannyyyhooo…. hope everyone has an amazing Monday! I’m trying my best to do the same 🙂



On the way to the gym….

So I was scared. Or maybe like anxious, a bit more than nervous, definitely uneasy. I had shadowed Patrice for the past two months as an internship was the last step to finally complete the qualifications for my Personal Trainer certification. So I knew her. I knew her workouts. Shoot, I helped teach and coach her workouts. But I wasn’t a client. At least not yet. Not until now. Now, I would be on the receiving end of those “keep going, butt down, c’mon don’t stop, work, work!” So yea, I’m not gonna lie. I was scared. Or, maybe like anxious. A bit more than nervous, definitely uneasy.

I’ve had trainers before. More than a few. Ones I remember more interested in taking me out than working me out, one that pushed me so hard I threw up in the locker room and could barely walk for two days, one that made me feel like I was wasting my time and my money… just never a great fit. And although I knew Patrice was an excellent trainer, I’d put her more in the “throwing up in the locker room” category (sorry, P!). She was tough. And even though I work hard and am very dedicated, I have weak forearms and weigh 240lbs. I have hips, curves, tummy, and booty and although I can style and clothe this body of mine like nobody’s business, fashion doesn’t exactly equal success in the gym. In the gym, every roll, jiggle, and bounce would work against my jumps, sprints, and lifts. And I thought about all of that on my way to the gym.

But on the way I continued. Taking my fear and stuffing it into my gym bag, I stepped up in there like I was born to sweat (knowing good and well I tossed and turned the entire night before).

And Patrice kicked my tail.

No, for real. It was brutal. Pound for pound, she made a big girl work. Jumps, squats, dumbbells, running, it was not a game. And like I said – I’m not new to working out! But this was a bit different. Not harsh, or mean,  but tough. Really tough.  I thought I was prepared  but the truth is when you’re  you’re never really prepared. Never really ready. You just have to decide you want to be better, and go forth in that direction. One foot in front of the other, come what may. Once you make that decision, that no matter what happens, you will conquer this task, climb that mountain, whatever is it is – then you move. You jump. You squat. You climb. You cry. You run. But you move. And move is what I did. For that hour and 18 minutes, yes I counted, I moved. And it was hard, and it was grueling, but I did it. Then the day after that, I did it again. And then a few days later, I was back again. And that was almost three weeks ago. Yea… I’m kinda proud.









workout (clothes) all day

photogrid_1457019479400.jpgI promise you I awoke with the best of intentions. And yes, I know it’s Monday. What’s the cardinal rule? Never miss a Monday. Never. So even though I went to bed with a slight headache already fully aware I’d want to sleep past the third alarm, I knew come morning I would throw on my workout clothes and be prepared to sweat at some point during the day. I mean look at the photos… I’ve been doing pretty well. Kind of. But here it is almost 9:30 pm and I am still in these blasted workout clothes… sans sweat.


Now why am I confessing my workout (or lack thereof) sins on the worldwide net? Accountability. A girl has goals, and missing today does not get me any closer to that for which I am striving. And, ok… if I’m going to be totally honest, my eating wasn’t on point either. I mean some of it was. I just cooked and polished off this grilled skinless chicken breast and roasted brussel sprouts and it was delicious! But the leftover mini-cupcakes and cookies from Sunday’s cook-off, also delicious, were on the menu as well and for that I pat this belly in shame.


Oh the struggle for the thicky with goals. But I digress…

In a few days, I travel for a friends wedding and cannot guarantee I will be on my A-game. A long-time girlfriend I haven’t seen in years is hosting me for the week and she already informed me plans have been set and the wine has been bought. So rather than beat myself up on what’s looking to be an amazing trip, I have devised a game plan for once I return. Total beast mode. Nutrition. Training. Sweat. Because while I love being a full-figured cutie, health over beauty so I will tame these curves and lift those weights. It’s all set and I am looking forward to it. Truthfully.

But til then, I hang my head in sugar-coated shame and apologize to the www for missing this Monday. I’ll do better tomorrow. Promise.
